Sometimes you need to stop and review!

We’ve given you some great, actionable steps for weight loss and improved health and fitness so far in our 33 Fitness and Fat Loss Tips series! But information is only useful when implemented! So, this week we’re going to give you a breather from new information so you can review and execute.

Step One: Goals

If you have no clear destination, where the hell are you going? How will you know if you get “there?”

You need goals. SMART goals. Click here for the whole story….

Step Two: Move well

If you can’t move well, you really have no business moving often. Quality movement is the key to getting results.

More isn’t better. Better is better. Click here to see why…

Step Three: Get some sleep!

There is a clear scientific link between sleep deprivation and weight gain. If your goal is to drop fat and add muscle, but you’re logging 4 hours of sleep a day, forget it.

It’s a hormonal thing. Click here for the full explanation…

Step Four: HIIT for weight loss

Here’s the deal; if you really want to burn fat and preserve or add muscle, then High Intensity Interval Training needs to be on the menu. No more wasting time on the Stairmaster. Get it together.

HIIT is the SHIT. Click here to get the scoop…

Step Five: Running is stupid!

I love running. But here’s the deal; if your goal is to lose weight and maintain muscle, running is stupid. Don’t take it personally, it’s just science.

You need to match the tool with the task. Running is the wrong tool if you want to lose weight. See why…

Review and implement! We’ll see you next time!

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