This is an image of group training client CJ Barreras who dropped inches and fat at Arena Fitness.

Christine (CJ) absolutely smashed the May 2016 TakeDown Challenge, losing:

      • 13 pounds
      • 9 inches
      • 6.4% body fat

She did such a phenomenal job that she placed 2nd in the Challenge! Great work, CJ, we’re proud of you!

RELATED: Click here for more information on the TakeDown Challenge!

In her own words:

“The Take Down Challenge gave me the opportunity and the push I needed to begin adjusting my eating habits. Through this challenge I was able to discover new and improved ways of eating and portioning my meals that I never considered in the past. 

While following the instructions of my trainers I started to see results, which kept me motivated the whole way through the challenge, and moving forward!

By taking part in the Take Down Challenge, not only was I challenging myself as a person, but I was also paving the way for a better, healthier, more active future for myself. Thank you! Yatta!”

RELATED: (Blog) Click here to download your free 3 Day Meal Plan!