The healthy swap ebook

Small hinges swing BIG doors!

In other words, small actions can create massive change.

Have you ever gotten to a point in your life where you hit the wall and were so frustrated that you knew you needed to change, NOW! That’s powerful motivation, when your behavior no longer matches your internal values and you realize change is necessary. The danger is trying to overhaul everything at once.

Change doesn’t happen in giant chunks. It happens in tiny steps. It happens in small, incremental improvements that compound over time.

That’s how you’re going to really make lasting changes and develop habits that stick.

When it comes to improving your nutrition so that you can promote fat loss, lean muscle gain and improved health, think small!

Your first step might be as simple as learning to swap certain food items for healthier ones. Making simple, small changes like swapping out mayonnaise and sugar for options that are better for you can make a pretty big difference over time.

And when you begin to apply this “small-hinges-swing-big-doors” approach on a larger scale your improvements will increase proportionately.

I want you to have this FREE Healthy Swap List pdf that gives you ideas for healthier options for 20 of the most commonly used foods. It’s a small, healthy step on the path to improving your nutrition and health. Simply fill out the form below and we’ll send it to you right away!

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Jonathan Aluzas is co-owner of Arena Fitness, a fitness center that offers group training in Encino as well as personal training in Northridge.