In truth, there are probably dozens of health and fitness facts you need to know. But I’m always raving about hiring a personal trainer and learning how to exercise regularly, so I’ve probably overwhelmed you by now. Let’s keep it simple for once. Today I want to focus on three items that have recently jumped out at me and I think are worthy of attention because they either apply to virtually ALL of us, or to a huge segment of the population.

And this isn’t “how to get great abs” or “get that beach body you’ve always wanted” kind of stuff. These are things that have a significant impact in your life. They are, quite literally, life or death kinds of things.

1. Sitting on your ass can kill you

This is true. Not joking. A new study by BMJ Open, an online journal, shows that sitting downpersonal trainer, personal training, cross training, semi-private training, semi private training, group training, group exercise, group fitness, fitness classes, fitness, gym, health, exercise for more than three hours a day can shave a person’s life expectancy by two years. Two Years! And here’s the really scary part: This is true even if you are a physically active person who refrains from dangerous habits like smoking! That’s me! I’m not used to hearing that my lifestyle can shorten my years on Earth, so this made me bolt upright in my chair (note that I was sitting at the time).

How the hell do you not sit for three hours a day? My God, I’m on my feet a lot for my job, I exercise, walk my dogs, work in the garden, but I still spend at least three hours on the couch or at my desk every day doing work, reading, etc.. The researchers recommend doing as many activities as you can standing, because, in part, sitting creates blood glucose management problems. Research it if you want the particulars, but the main thing to remember is that being a lump on the couch can cut your life short.


2. Pepsi and apple juice are making you and your kids fat

“Soda and other sugary drinks are the number one source of calories in our diet and the only individual food that’s actually directly linked to obesity.”

Margo Wooten, DSc – Director, Nutrition Policy – Center for Science in the Public Interest

Here’s the deal; if you drink soda, fruit juice, energy drinks, flavored waters and sports drinks, you’re asking for trouble. If you allow your children to drink it, you need to stop NOW! Childhood obesity has tripled in the last generation and this is the #1 reason why. There is no nutritional value in sweetened drinks, and virtually NO DIFFERENCE between soda and fruit juice when it comes to sugar and calorie content. Why? Because when you juice a fruit you remove all of the good stuff (fiber, mostly) and leave traces of vitamins and loads of sugar. Why not just have your kid EAT his fruit instead?

This is a big deal. Parents, you need to get that crap out of the house! Especially if your children are already overweight or borderline overweight.


3. Calcium supplements may blow your heart out

What? I thought women needed calcium? They do, but it turns out that not all calcium is the same. A recent study in Germany suggests that while dietary calcium (calcium derived from your normal diet) may lower your risk of heart attack by 31%, calcium supplements may increase it by 86%.

When calcium is taken in the form of a supplement, it increases rapidly in the blood and may cause calcification of the arteries, which can result in cardiovascular events like heart attack. (Source:

For more information on good sources of natural calcium and how to increase calcium absorption, click HERE.

For the record, one of the best ways to increase calcium storage and bone density is to do weight-bearing exercise every day (walking, running, strength training, group training classes, personal training, etc., I had to mention it).

As I said before, there are many things you must keep in mind when considering your general health, but if you can at least master these three first, you’ll be on good ground.

Jonathan Aluzas is the owner of Arena Fitness, a personal training, semi private training and group exercise facility in Encino, Ca.