by Joe Garcia


Superbowl Workout

If you’re like me, The Superbowl is a holiday in and of itself. You can’t just watch the game. You have to drink and eat and drink and watch the commercials and drink and watch the game and drink and eat some more. Well, it’s Monday, and all that drinking and eating isn’t going to disappear magically like Tom Brady’s hopes at being considered the best QB in the Superbowl Era (Hi Will!). You can’t get into Madonna-Halftime-Shape by sitting on your tush and eating potato skins while wishing you had a flying squirrel jetpack suit. You won’t be able to speed date as well as that E-Trade baby if you simply enjoyed some of?Milwaukee’s?Finest.


So here’s a workout to bust out of the Superbowl-induced stupor you’ve been stuck in since yesterday’s festivities:


Warmup 5 minute jog

10- Burpees

20- Sit Ups

30- Push Ups

40- Squat Jumps

50- Burpees/Box Jump/Double Unders (You choose depending on the equipment available)

40- Split Jumps

30- Plyo Push Ups

20- Pikes/V-Ups

10- Burpees

1 Mile Run for time (Highly recommend an 8 minute mile pace, which is 7.5 on a treadmill)


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